Who We Are

 IHNE State Representatives

Connecticut Representative

Richard (Rich) C. Malley
and Museum Specialist

Maine Representative

Angela Goebel-Bain
Curator of Historical Collections
Maine State Museum

Massachusetts Representative
western region

Victoria Antonucci
Attleboro Area Industrial Museum

Massachusetts Representative
eastern region

Bob Perry
Charles River Museum
of Industry & Innovation

Massachusetts Representative
eastern region

Eric Peterson
Metropolitan Waterworks Museum

New Hampshire Representative

John Mayer
IHNE Chair

Vermont Representative

Miriam Block
Heritage Winooski Mill Museum

 Are you a New England historical SITE or MUSEUM that would like to be a part of IHNE?

Email us, and your state representative will be in touch soon

Additional Leadership

IHNE Program Assistant

Michelle Morello
Charles River Museum of Industry & Innovation

IHNE Advisor

Mark Mello

IHNE Member Emeritus

Akil Sokili