Grist Mill Museums
Entries marked with a ‡ are IHNE steward organizations.
Historic sites are listed alongside museums under each topic.
Brayton Grist Mill 147 Wolf Den Dr., Mashmoquet Brook State Park, Pomfret, CT
Gurleyville Grist Mill Stonemill Rd., Storrs, CT
Baxter Mill 142 MA-28, West Yarmouth, MA
Bisbee Mill Museum 66 East St., Chesterfield, MA
Eastham Windmill 2515 State Highway, Eastham,MA
Old Mill 50 Prospect St., Nantucket, MA
Plimoth Grist Mill Museum 6 Spring Ln., Pymouth, MA Plymouth, MA
Frank Adam's Grist Mill Museum Mill St, Bellows Falls, VT
Old Mill Museum 4 Park St., Weston, VT
This is by no means a complete list. If you have an addition, correction, or change that IHNE should consider, please contact us HERE
NOTE: Please contact each entity or organization for current operating status.